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Video Series

Watch for free here!

Conscious Awakening Documentary Series (Chapter 1)

This episode introduces a spiritual experience seeing the matrix, past lives and Native American prophecy. The cure for cancer was discovered by Dr. Max Gerson and hidden on a shelf.

Meet Mary. She was in a coma for 3 weeks after a failed surgery and gives us a glimpse into the afterlife realm where she was held there until she discovered the way back to our reality. Mary is a twin of Native American descent and also experiences a strong connection to the universal field. The Native American prophesy about ascension is also discussed.

Conscious Awakening Documentary Series (Chapter 2)

This episode introduces some way showers and their important work like Delores Cannon, Todd Deviney, Tim Tucker, Ian Stevenson, Dr. Robert Young, Elizabeth Kubler Ross, and Dr. Michael Newton.

Meet Steve, a veteran and organic farmer. Steve is an interesting, intelligent and insightful man who has been on a journey to grow spiritually and move beyond past traumas. He has had some interesting spiritual experiences. He shares his insights into the ascension.

Our Journey
One VoiceOur Jouney by One Voice
A new society and living in balance with the earth. We must change our mentality and our habits. Follow our journey and the journey of others. We need a balanced society where hierarchy is no longer the basis of society and we are all one.
Love All Life by Dianne IreneLove All Life By Dianne Irene
This series of videos covers our soul, life beyond this lifetime, empathy, the predator and prey mentality that we see so often in our world, how we are living in a matrix, why reverence is essential and worship has been used as a tool to manipulate our society, personal responsibility and not relying on others to think for us, how we forget who we are and how we can move beyond our superstitions and understand that we are all connected and more. It is time to remember who we are in soul as it is essential to the survival of the human race. Time is urgent for our consciousness awakening.Watch More.

Free Human Consciousness Courses

Free courses on human consciousness are being developed and are available online at HumanProgression.org and this website on the videos page. Check back periodically.

Interview: The Human Element

We forget a great deal of who we are on this side and we need to remember who we are in soul. The human element consists of the human soul, personal responsibility, and mastery. These are essential to our growth. Dianne also discusses the environment, benign energy, the holocaust, population issues, and her own NDE (Near Death Experience).

Conference Lecture


Clips from: High Road to Wellness Through Body, Mind, and Spirit
Anaheim, CA

Managing the pain in our lives will either push us into negative expressions or bring about growth to positive growth and reflection.

We use negative expressions in self protection and predatory behaviors. Understanding how we deal with pain will ensure better choices in how we internalize our struggles. It is about leaning to channel our feelings into a positive and productive direction so that growth is achieved.

We all experience pain in life and this pain can push us to devolve or evolve. What is your wellness story?

Why eat organic? It matters more than some realize as it contains properties of a plant immune system that is then supportive of our immune systems. We have an environment that is full of toxins and our body, mind, and spirit are all connected.
Clean water is essential to our survival. Water is also important for the sythesis of DNA. It is important to have clean water so our bodies can function as they should. Dr. Emoto and his discovery of how water responds to our environment and consciousness is discussed.
Oxygen is a special element as it can combine with almost every other element. It is essential for our planet's survival and for us to thrive.

Recent Articles


Human Allegiance

© By Dianne Irene 1/2/2023


Regardless of our soul origin, race, or place, we are now here as humans and we must stand together as one. We have this beautiful planet of abundance, although we have been lied to on so many levels so that we would believe otherwise. Some of them have not had the constraints of the forgetful veil and their life spans are much longer. Their advantages do not stop there. However, still the human experience is one that has the power to tip the scales in the universe. We are souls of great power once we are awake. This very truth scares those that are more intelligent and more powerful in their carnal position than we are. This is because great technology both in physical and mental origins does not necessarily correspond to the heart of humanity. Our heart and soul complement as some would call it, is our greatest strength if we are balanced. However, humanity, even those who think they are awake may have only awakened by a few levels. This is not enough to develop the discernment required to navigate a world where more intelligent and collective groups would come with great effort to manipulate and infiltrate the human family.

Soul Traps


We hear many say that we agreed to be here at this time and to experience what is happening. This is partially on point. However, often we see narratives develop out of these concepts. Due to the very heavy programming in our human experience on earth, we have tendencies written into our software of earth consciousness. We as souls or spirits did come with purpose and intent. However, this mess on earth was not necessarily part of any agreement. The tendency to create boxes that everything must fit into is one that humanity must break free from and learn that multi-perspectives can co-exist. We do not want humanity to take the victim mentality. However, to turn this concept of “we agreed to everything” is nothing more than another narrative.

Who Can You Trust?

Trust Dianne Irene

For those who have been on a journey of seeking truth for a while, what some call awake or on a conscious awakening path, you may come to a place where you do not know who to trust. There is so much information out there and it is layered. Seeing the truth on earth is like a ten layered chess game and you just do not always know what is in the next move. Sometimes it is like trying to see the forest through a layer of Jell-O. There is a veil of distortion in this reality and we are seeking to see through all the manipulation, lies, and control. It is a process. Nothing should be off limits otherwise you could miss something. However, the most import focus is that there are two directions you can take. One is of serving others and embracing love and oneness. The other is a selfish path with all the attributes that come along with it.
I have not found it difficult to befriend those who are different from me. When they are also in the state of unconditional acceptance, then we get along very well. I was raised in a conservative way and I am grateful for the structure and self discipline that I was encouraged to have in such an environment. I also to this day align with the moral compass of compassion, kindness, sanctity of life, humility, and love that was encouraged. I have befriended those of many faiths, many cultures, ages and races. When I look at people, I look for their soul and who they are inside. Some of my friends have been beautiful inside or out, some have been brilliant, savants, and geniuses. Some did not learn how to read. Some saw the world differently than I do or did, but we could appreciate each other’s perspectives. I have found it easy to love these people. I have not assumed that their DNA, race or heritage locked them into a certain kind of soul. I could see that they were a soul inside of a human body and that they are not that body. This travesty of DNA discrimination has grown to serious levels on earth and I feel the deep need to make some very important points.
The world is changing quickly and what was once routine and understood from a perspective has now become convoluted and upside down. Instead of seeing black and white as far as morals, now things have become so grey and the uncertainty of truth sets in. Those who claim to be good could be in disguise and those who are claiming to work for the dark could be on a mission from the inside. The psychopaths are no longer hiding in the shadows and now they are openly exercising their power in order to extinct the human race. They are forcing their transhuman agenda with potions of poison given influence outside of human design. People are divided by their level of awareness and understanding. People are divided by groups. Many have been programmed and fooled. However, there is something that seems to be lacking from an outside perspective. I feel the need to address this concern.

Self-Righteous Service


There has been a lot of discussion about what some call ascension, a great awakening, rapture or other types of names along these lines. While it is good that humanity is waking up from the false reality we have been fed for far too long, there is a concern that much of the ego programming we have received from the time we were little will work to sabotage an ascension of consciousness.

Politically Correct Censorship Dianne Irene

Politically Correct Censorship

History is full of cycles of freedoms and losses of freedoms. In fact, the loss of freedom in place of technology makes for an even greater danger to society. This is because much of our society is based on a few who hold the most power. This means that if even one of them becomes corrupt then there will be far reaching consequences. Under the right manipulation many can even come to believe that these losses of freedoms are good for them. They will then become monitors who hunt down, harass, and punish those who do not fall in line. If they attack the person then they have an agenda. True discourse is about discussing a topic and not attacking the person. Everyone is entitled to discover truth for themselves. This means that you cannot shove something down their throat. If a person feels the need to attack the person instead of arguing the topic then they are not participating in critical thinking. They are merely looking to gain power in the conversation.

Discernment Dianne Irene


Discernment is a spiritual aspect of the human consciousness. It is often the difference between making wise decisions and making a miscalculated one. It is an understanding of many perspectives and understanding where components will enforce their influence. Then a choice for the sacredness of integrity and sovereignty must be expressed.  Leaders must pay very close attention to their discernment development. Wise leadership is the difference between empowering development or creating a devolutionary consequence. Using discernment will either create harmony or disharmony.

Empathy Dianne Irene


I remember back as a child feeling things that I thought were a normal part of human sensing. When I would see an animal getting hurt, I would feel the pain from their perspective. When I would see another child get bullied, I would feel the pain of the child getting bullied. I would question how that bully could act that way and endure the pain they had caused on someone else. I had to realize that they could not feel what they had done. They were unaware and had to learn it for themselves. Some people do not have that innate ability to feel empathy. That means that some must be taught this very important truth.

Human Consciousness Dianne Irene

Human Progression from Human Consciousness

Human consciousness is essential to our survival as a species. It is an awareness of life, thoughts, sense of self, and the elements of life. It is an awareness of others. It is an awareness of the sacredness of life. It is acknowledging life through thoughts, feelings, emotions, actions and reactions. Life is sacred and freedom is essential for our soul to express itself to its fullest potential. This freedom comes from understanding that we alone are responsible for our soul growth. It also comes from universal truths that are standards that humanity needs to embrace if we are to continue on our journey with progression.

The Vision of One Voice

A new vision of one voice is moving beyond a matrix. It consists of a place of harmony and peace for humanity. It begins with thought and hope. Envision a place where energy does not harm the environment or its inhabitants. Wind, solar, and magnetic energy are readily available for everyone. Picture a place where our buildings live in conjunction with the landscape. Communities are not crowded and the clear sky is a backdrop behind the beautifully designed structures. Look closely and see a community where we care for each other and work towards a common good.

Transparency Dianne Irene


Secrecy has kept humanity from progressing in several ways. While we currently live in an environment where secrecy has been heralded as a way to protect and control information, people, and cultures, it has also kept humanity from progression. This concept is in fact so progressive that some are threatened by the very concept. It means that monetary wealth, technological advancements, and trade secrets would be threatened according to current standards.  Humanity must eventually realize that it is our environmental factors that are flawed and must someday change if we are ever to progress in our spiritual evolution.

Spiritual Intelligence: Human Consciousness Realized



"Spiritual Intelligence - not for the faint at heart! Dianne leads with convincing, sensible and thorough exploration of what matters most. She has simplified conclusions; ones thirsted for by earthlings. Share in pages of life altering NDEs, including her own. Understand how intangible realms intertwine and how to increase human potential. The Author seeks and expresses truth and love!" - In admiration, Cat

"A truly thoughtful exploration of what it is to be human. Diane Irene shows us how to understand ourselves by understanding others."- Joe

"Great book! I was expecting this to be a religious book, but it isnt. It appeals to anyone, no matter what the religion. If more people on the planet understood these ideas then the world would be a better place."- M.

"Interesting and empowering read. I believe Dianne tapped into what we all need. For those looking to evolve as a spiritual human, this is a must-have read."- Danny

"This book is easy to read and understand. It touches on the prevalent subjects of our time. Valuable information that will stay with you long after you have finished the book." - SIM


This book shares the foundational concepts of human consciousness and soul growth. Spiritual Intelligence also provides strategies for managing our thoughts, feelings, emotions, and actions. It covers the differences between guilt and remorse, happiness and joy, feelings and emotions, and how to work through your thoughts to balance your feelings and emotions.

This thought provoking book delves into areas of human consciousness that inspires you to understanding and self-reflection. The supernatural is actually natural and physics, philosophy, NDE, and psychology are explored. In fact, our life is a school where we have come to learn, grow, and love.

Having had a NDE herself at age 20, Dianne shares some of the most important aspects of our existence. Broken relationships, loss, depression, tragedy, PTSD, and other human experiences can be understood with spiritual intelligence. They all can serve as props on the stage of life where we are playing roles that enable us to experience our existence. Empower yourself to be consciously aware.






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Spiritual Intelligence is a reflection of what humanity is and what we can strive to be. Join this journey of hope and realization about the human spirit and understand what part the physical world plays in our journey to love, grow and learn. Death is not the end and our life has purpose beyond our everyday experiences. Understanding who we are in this reality allows our lives to progress in a positive manner. Empower yourself to be consciously aware.

Some have realized this after a near death experience where they were able to bring back memories of a glimpse of what is beyond the veil of the physical realm. Some of us are sensed to be old souls and young souls and this is not that far from the truth. As immortal beings, we will not be destroyed and will live on from the time we are created.

There is a growth shift in the human population at present. This shift is a realization that as a community, we can take personal responsibility and begin to embrace the positive aspects of life. Humanity is at an exciting time in history. Those who are focusing on their efforts on possibilities will begin to understand more of whom they are and that we are all connected. Science is beginning to understand that the supernatural is natural. Physics, philosophy, NDE, and psychology are explored.

Human Consciousness

Living in a state of consciousness means that there is a balance or symbiosis to how one fits into existence within the environment. It is necessary to understand how we exist in the physical world as an expression of a much bigger existence. Our physical expression of ourselves is only part of who we are.

The soul is the part that makes us animated. It is the immortal part of ourselves. Even if we are removed or disconnected from our current bodies we would then experience reality without them. The point here is that we are not our bodies and they are not us. We are much more in the sense of creation. We are immortal spirits living in a flesh reality until we wear out or are separated from that body. We all have a common trait in spirit and this means that there is a common ground where we can recognize the value of life and learn to strive for peace and understanding.

This means that humanity is beginning to see past the stereotypes, the facade of politics, the greed, and the uncaring attitude towards others. The color of skin, cultural differences, religions, and status are losing their separation power. People are awakening to their conscious minds. The auto pilot of unconsciousness is lifting and humanity is seeking a better life for our world. The boxes of labels, schools of thought, and superstitions are becoming transparent. This is a growth awareness where we can live in harmony with our environment and each other.

Heart of the Planet Project

Heart of the Planet

Dianne Irene Copyright 2004-2022

Claim of Sovereignty, Declaration of Non Interference, and Withdrawal of Consent from any Interference

On all levels, densities, and realms this website my creations, books, articles, videos, myself and anyone connected to me is protected from attacks, manipulation, coercion, entrapment, misrepresentation, undermining, or copyright infringements. I hereby withdrawal consent in the past, present, and future for any negative agreement, contract, or game that comes from any other entities. No negative interference is allowed by any entities, synthetic intelligence (AI), technologies, hackers, organizations, secret society, organizations, leaders both domestic, foreign and in all realms and densities to my publications, books, videos, appearances, materials, reputation, and presence both online and in person. No soul entrapment, manipulation, attachment, or parasitized state is consented to or allowed in the past, present or future in all densities and realms. Any negative agreements, attachments, defects, alterations of harm, manipulations, or contracts in the past, present or future are null and void in all densities, realms, and places. Those who wish to do harm, parasitize, created distortions to the mind, body, thoughts, feelings, emotions, soul, or spirit, create or participate in defects, manipulations, alterations, pain and suffering, are thereby removed and denied. They are also notified that all karma and consequences are theirs, it is of their own doing, and all permission and agreements are now and forever removed. Those committing copyright infringement are subject to recourse. Nothing on this site can be used to harm, manipulate, or deceive others.

Declaration of Sovereignty

I am a Sovereign being with a soul and spirit, who is a fragment of the One True Creator Source, and no one may interfere in a negative manner with my health, happiness, spirit, soul, physical body, monetary state, psychological and mental well being, or of those of my family or circle of friends.



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